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Copy of Atif Tauqeer's thoughts on Digital Media and Journalism

Atif Tauqeer explained his experiences related to journalism which he studied in several countries and about writing digital content. He tends to clarify however journalism in Pakistan differs from journalism in different countries. Atif Tauqeer shared his experience about working as an editor and sub-editor in Pakistan. Moreover, he has a diverse experience of working in stage dramas, radio, theatre and advertisement voiceovers. He conjointly worked for well-known TV channels like GEO and AAJ TV. Since the last thirteen years, he has been operating with DW that is that the third largest media program after BBC and Voice of America. He talked about how we provide brief information (including W’s and H’s) before delivering any news and then elaborate it. He called it a reverse pyramid. He explained how the structure of any news should be in such manner that the audience watches it without losing concentration. Moreover, the distinction between journalism and digital writing/journalism revolves around speed and graphical illustration. In digital journalism, beside written parts, you've got to provide graphical parts additionally. because of technological advancement and also the use of smartphones, the news feed speed has magnified. He shares his point of view a journalist and explains that in digital media, the news structure is same as before, however the editorial part is missing that is of great importance. Editors work on the language, credibleness and verification of the content. Since there are no any individual editors in digital media, any person who owns a smartphone can generate any type of news and can spread it. This news isn't verified; neither has the right language structure. this can be the main difference between journalism and digital media. The absence of an editor has born to a brand new development that is fake news. Today, fake news has both the elements of info and mental object. Sir Atif shares his experience of witnessing the fast spread of fake news as compared to authentic news because it's more potential and part of sensation. He then talks regarding the influence of senders and receivers on the delivered message. Nowadays, digital media has magnified teaser-based journalism where they additionally use click-baits so as to achieve a lot of views. If you follow serious journalism, you won’t get clicks and advertisements. Media houses have this pressure of gaining clicks from which they get advertisements. corporations pay immense amounts of cash to media houses for their own advantages and media mostly depends upon these companies for ads.

Moreover, in our country there are variety of political parties having their own media cells, generating news for their own profit. This involves the component of info. once a media cell shares some news, each negative and positive reactions are expected. Sir Atif discusses how writing in advanced media includes various components when compared with ordinary reporting as known as journalism. It is undeniably smaller when compared with paper articles. Vlogging on advanced media ought to be short, as it acquires perspectives. At the point when you compose a video blog, the time length shouldn't be over 5 minutes, so the web-based media calculation permits it. The language ought to be minimized and fresh, you should likewise consolidate the component of visual pictures. The video blog ought to be written in such a way that it fulfills the crowd and individuals share it. The crowd ought to be remembered consistently, and the substance ought to be made likewise. The language ought to be far reaching and straightforward with the goal that everybody gets it. Also, he clarifies iPhone reporting or citizen journalism which is instructed in Europe. It encourages how any resident possessing a cell phone can take pictures, create news and offer it on their profiles. Individuals share it and it becomes news instantly. Today, web-based media has assumed a significant part in conveying news which is forgotten by mainstream or public media. It gets out the word rapidly and impacts the news channels. For instance, sir Atif shares an occurrence which happened in the 90's during the Bosnian conflict. He specifies 3 celebrated papers of Germany out of which one shared pictures of Bosnian Muslim men, standing shirtless and it said, 'death camp in Europe'. This picture made a tremendous effect on both German country and Britain. This model shows the force a picture holds. One picture can change the whole range of things.

Sir Atif Tauqeer further explained about how one should remember the purpose for the making any product either it is only for attention of the viewers, or for actually reaching to individuals. In this way, there ought to be a scarce difference between the game of information you're putting out and the manner in which you are causing others to see it. He disclosed to us that it is significant for him to make the news reach to the crowd more than anything and thus, he depended that there ought to be a community that coordinates with your musings and your perspective. For instance, there is a community of the individuals who incline toward BBC, comparative are the cases in Pakistan too. Who share comparable kind of preferences, one should never reach at the level of sensationalization where the substance isn't of relevance After this, a student asked a question to him regarding the freedom of speech in journalism or reporting. How there are numerous dangers and limitations on journalists if he or she ever writes something risky, against politics or someone in power How can one write on such issues straightforwardly and not fear any danger? He answers how freedom of expression is diverse for each state, spot, and government. On a public level, this circle of opportunity has and about how this freedom of expression or speech can be put out. In Pakistan, freedom of expression is to a level that one can even bring up the PM or President, and so on The solitary limitation one has is over Army, in Pakistan, one can't speak against the Army. Difference is the case for every country. Distinctive is the situation for each country. For instance, in India, one can't talk or bring up the government, on the off chance if they do, they get marked as double crossers or enemies of Indians. Comparable is the situation for center east, calling attention to the public authority implies bringing up the entire realm. Discussing the west, the standards are diverse concerning freedom of expression. He further pointed how there is a thin line difference between the right to speak freedom of speech and hate speech, it is hard to consider or call attention to one from another. One can't impeccably characterize these two terms. In the case of discussing religion, social standards, we know there is a red line that we can't cross. The individuals who are writing openly on everything without exception know about these circles and are not intersection these lines or circles. On the off chance that one does, there is a notice for them, and because of this, they are cautious about it later on.

After answering this question, there was another student who asked that if he had put a restriction on all of these cases, then where does freedom of expression lie? To which he answered that the definition of freedom of expression is different in different areas. . He characterizes freedom of expression as an assessment that one can without much of a stretch easily and freely give, similarly another can deny this assessment with his own too, with no danger or dread. This entire phenomenon is westernized; he discloses to us that it took us years to arrive at the degree of opportunity we have now. There used to be a social progressive system, with God at the top, at that point holy messengers, holy people, and afterward a ruler. After him, there were aristocrats, royals, ordinary citizens, and afterward creatures, plants, rocks, and so on This entire construction had no pope in it. One had the option to discuss God however not about the Pope, he was viewed as a lot greater than the God himself. For Europe, it took them 4 to 500 years to balance everything, from an everyday person to a lord, to a pope. Because of which opportunity of articulation, there is totally different. While in Pakistan opportunity of articulation is envisioned as the westernized opportunity of articulation. The solitary issue is we haven't covered these 500 years, there is as yet far to go for us. For the western to arrive at vote based system, we have no covered that way yet. We don't know about their hard work. We can't consider opposing God we were raised to be that way; our religion our convictions hinder us of speculation past the circle that we drew our self. We are trained that our God doesn't care for when one inquiries regarding Islam or Allah, however what might Allah actually have against such inquiries? Nothing. Along these lines, this is the component that confines our general public the preeminent thing to upgrade the general public for the opportunity of articulation is our reasoning and our outlook. In the event that one doesn't discuss, one can't consider opportunity of articulation. Opportunity of articulation is tied in with looking at something uninhibitedly and furthermore enduring another assessment on something. In our general public, on the off chance that we talk, we need to confront viciousness. Out instructor at that point playfully addressed in the event that we need to stand by 500 years to arrive at that degree of opportunity too, to which Sir Atif answered that, yes undoubtedly, not explicitly 500 years but rather one needs to stand by a great deal.

He advised us to recall that for a greater change, change, and so forth, one needs to touch off things. Advancement takes its way itself which is an extremely delayed way. A greater occasion is required for a major chance which we Pakistanis have squandered, with the dread of or limitation of inquiries, banter, and so on He disclosed to us that he doesn't believe that a similar right to speak freely can be accomplished by us that the westerners have done. In Pakistan is the military assumes control over, the Pakistani' s won't begin challenging it in light of the fact that our minds aren't develop that way, when e escape this proviso we won't get the right to speak freely. We object to insight; a few things are viewed as off-base by everybody with no clarification. After such genuine talks, our instructor guided us just as Sir Atif back to composing by getting some information about how he begins composing or considers composing something during his live meetings of video blogs, and what does he like. He responded to that on the off chance that one goes live on a channel, the length isn't characterized, the design of your sentences isn't sufficient, you won't be minimal, you will likewise not be fresh, with everything taken into account, you will drag something you are discussing. Live must be seen by somebody who is your devoted fan or who is tuning in to it as a talk in light of the fact that the substance is more in that, yet for video blogs, one needs to keep in touch with them first, and afterward read them, and present it out to the world. As one would peruse their video blogs content and check whether it is even worth watching or hearing or not. Along these lines, if sir Atif had at any point made video blogs, right off the bat he thought of them down and read it himself, gotten them, and assuming he preferred it himself just, he recorded them. The instructor requests to see one of his contents and asks how it was arranged, to which the appropriate response was the one needs to think about save boundary if the news was significant and needed to reach to the crowd. The need would be that. There is a report-based video blog in which one needs to begin with the primary news, later on including the further subtleties. In some unique video blogs, one can utilize the news to act as an illustration of one's more prominent account, beginning with another model, reference, or saying, and afterward continue to coordinate the news into it. He further clarifies that the base has changed a ton, from the outset the size of the video should be of 4 minutes, however now it of 2 and a half as it were. Presently the speed is extraordinary, and the compacted ness is likewise unique. Such an item is extraordinary, for instance for Instagram and Facebook, the sound ought to be distinctive for every crowd, for instance in certain recordings for sound pertinence there are captions added too. So that individuals can get the report with or without sound. Additionally, the configuration of the video is distinctive also, as Instagram requires a square arrangement et cetera. He additionally expressed how the composed report is reached by lesser individuals contrasted with the visual report. These were some significant points he canvassed in the present meeting. It was a decent and instructive conversation for everybody and not simply understudies picking news-casting.

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