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Peer Blog Reviews

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

-Eesha Ali

Anxiety is like a monster—living under your bed—ready to attack you by tarnishing your confidence and disturbing your gut.

For those with an anxiety issue, it’s critical to investigate systems that can help oversee or lessen tension in the long term, like therapy or taking medication. In any case, everybody can profit from different approaches to decrease anxiety and nervousness with the help of certain alternations in your daily life, for example, eating with a routine, restricting yourself from unhealthy habits, and having a positive approach towards life. You can get rid of your anxiety by following these five tips.

1. Follow the 3-3-3 standard.

Have a good look around you. Name three things you see. At that point, name three sounds you hear. At last, move three pieces of your body – your lower leg, fingers, or arm. At whatever point you feel your cerebrum going 100 miles for every hour, this psychological stunt can help focus your brain, taking you back to the current second.

· Figure out How to Self-Soothe.

Imagine coming Infront of a deadly monster —or more awful, your teacher scolding you for not meeting a deadline. At the point when we are confronted with an anxiety instigating circumstance, our body’s sympathetic nervous system automatically triggers physiological changes. Our breathing increases, adrenaline is emitted, and our heart starts to race. This reaction is called flight or fight reaction. It occurs when we have to get away from a valid, hazardous crisis. Nonetheless, when the danger is envisioned (e.g. I will ruin the class presentation and everybody will know I’m a cheat), the battle or flight reaction is pointless and truly awkward.

To cope up with this reaction do Positive Self-talk.

We often know how to relax others; we say it to our friends that don’t worry you will ace your presentation. But we never comfort ourselves. The best way to make ourselves feel comfortable is positive self-talk. When anxious, practice phrases such as “This feeling will pass”, “I will get through this”, “I am safe right now”, “I am feeling anxious now, but I have the power make myself calm” and “I can feel my heart rate slowing down.

3. Stay away from sugar.

It might be enticing to go after something sweet when you’re focused, yet that chocolate bar can accomplish more damage than anything else, according to research eating an excessive amount of sugar can exacerbate on edge emotions. Rather than venturing into the treats bowl, drink a glass of water or eat protein. This will give moderate energy your body can use to recoup.

4. Breath in breath out

Profound breathing helps to beat anxiety. Take a huge breath in, feel the belly expanding, feel the lungs full of air. Hold on to the breath (without closing off the throat), just for 2-3 seconds. Breathe all of that air out, in a relaxed, long way. You could almost make it an audible sigh (making a ‘ha’ sound). Repeat for 1 minute.

5. Just do something.

If you’re having an anxiety attack, just stand up and do something. Whatever you are doing doesn’t have to be important. Just try to play tricks with your brain. Try to interrupt your brain’s thoughts. Take a walk around, do some house chores, clean up the dishes. Any action that tricks your sensory neurons will work at this point.


This blog gives general information about stress and anxiety and some tips to cope up with it. Anxiety is a very common problem nowadays. Children’s, elders and young teenagers basically everyone suffers from it. It’s a tiring process but the main idea is how you cope up with it.

Why I choose to review this blog is because the way this writer wrote it. As a university student, we suffer from anxiety the most and some of us have no clue to overcome it. So, we stand there not knowing anything and we let ourselves suffer. The good thing about this write-up is that she mentions the fact that how an anxiety could trigger a person and then she gave some tips so the people who read it can help themselves or others. It is a genuine and true fact that some of us needs to distract ourselves because if we don’t, this might cause us some severe side effects. Giving the tip of 3-3-3 standard, she actually helped and proved her point. Some other tips are genuine like the previous one.

The writer here knows what she’s writing about. She mentions straight points which concluded the fact that she has done her research on it and she is aware of what she is writing about.

2020 – 2021: What Has Changed?

-Laiba Samad

Would you like to press the rewind and play button for last year if given a chance? Probably No, right? No one would want to back to the year with some of the most dreadful and distressing incidents. It is not just the ‘Global Pandemic’ that we are talking about, but it is also some of the most devastating news that broke the world. Be it the Australian Bushfire, Beirut Explosion, Pakistan Airline Crash, or the death of many known public figures, 2020 just couldn’t get any worse. The natural disasters in 2020 brought catastrophic results for millions across nations in 2020. They not only caused thousands of deaths but also billions of paper notes which caused shaky effects on numerous economies. Who would’ve imagined that the world will come to such a still? No one would’ve ever thought that the most ‘Positive’ word in the world will turn out to be so negative. Nor would have anyone thought about how Social Distancing will become the new normal. It was difficult and is still is. People have now adjusted to the new trends which is like the biggest change one witnesses. It is no more the same as it used to be all the way. With online learning capturing the traditional methods, the closure of fine-dine restaurants, restrictions on public events, people have adapted and so have evolved for better. Everyone now realises the value of existence and how important it is to have your loved ones by your side. We’ve tried our best and we can still try to modify ourselves according to the constant changes so that all the hardships and difficulties can one day fade away.


First of all, this piece contains most of the genuine information about what happened in 2020 and how it has changed our lives in such way that it seems impossible to live the normal life we used to live before this corona. It’s true that this year was worst in every possible way. First the pandemic, then the incidents. People lost their loved ones and the whole world was in a miserable state.

Again, she mentioned the fact that how people are still trying to adjust themselves in new normal and things might not be the same ever again for us. The real factor mentioned in this write up is how people now value everything including their loved ones and how they even in pandemic, try to be there for their loved ones in every possible way through social distancing.

This piece is fact based and is non plagiarized. It mentions truth based facts and highlight some of the things that happen in a year.

Bleak Midwinter

These winters and cigarettes, the hidden little sun shine

Cloud is shattered on the sky, For the birds to fly high

Those leaves upon the ground, I lost what i just found

Ebad Samad


The writer basically is trying to portray what he is seeing and what he thinks is happening. He’s trying to combine something to make sense. the way he mentioned winter with cigarettes, and the hidden sunshine which we see mostly in winter mornings. Then he thinks the cloud makes a way by shattering for the birds to fly high. The remembrance of something he thinks what he found he just lost it.

I won’t call it a poetry, because what I think about this piece is that it shows what a man is viewing from his perspective. It could be a random thought. I like this piece of write up because its raw. Its imperfect. It shows the inside of someone’s mind which makes it beautiful.

Such write-ups usually are empty of facts but somehow makes sense if writer has a way with words.

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